Involve Your Kids in the Family Budget
Kids and budgeting. Budgeting and kids. The two really should go hand in hand. So why don't more of us involve kids in the family budget? Why have so many of us grown up without having been taught how to create, and live by, a budget? Whatever the reason(s), there is good news! We can easily fix this in our families. We can change our children's futures for the better by teaching them this essential skill! It is truly a lot of fun to involve kids in the family budget! Wanna know where to start? Let's look at some simple things we can do: Pay your child(ren). Different families have different opinions on how to do this. Some prefer to have the allowance be just that, an allowance that is given without conditions. Others like the idea of paying kids after they've done something (chores, usually) to earn that money. I say pick what works best for your family! I've done it both ways, and I personally prefer to allow my kids the opportunity to...