5 Ways We Saved in January
Hey there, friends! 2020 is the year that I've dubbed Visions Realized...since you know, 20/20 is perfect vision. I'm so clever (not really). Last year I joined a local group in a savings challenge: to build an emergency fund of at least $1,000. I was able to complete it and have continued adding to that savings, but I also had another goal I didn't talk about a ton: to lower our consumer debt. We started 2019 with $20,000 of debt. Yikes! Between car loans, medical bills, unexpected home repairs, and just plain too much purchasing, we had gotten into a nasty place, and I wanted out. I'm very happy to say that we were able to cut that number in half. Yay! That brings me to this year's goal: get rid of the debt completely! Now, we had some crazy advantages that helped us last year that will not be present this year. My husband's company did a one-time extra bonus last year, and that knocked off a little over $1,000 for us. My daughter was also hit by...