Save Money On Your Car/Auto Insurance
Today we're going to talk about ways to save money on auto insurance. This is one of those bills that can become forgotten. We search for a great rate and coverage, and we buy it, and then we forget about it. While that is really nice and convenient, if you forget about it for too long, your rates may sneak up, little by little, and you don't even realize it.
Sometimes the rates DON'T sneak up! Sometimes they stay where they are, while new discounts are becoming available. Don't miss out on those discounts.
Sometimes the rates DON'T sneak up! Sometimes they stay where they are, while new discounts are becoming available. Don't miss out on those discounts.
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- I would suggest looking over your plan and rates, and comparing them to other options AT LEAST once every two years. Experts usually tell you to do this more often. The reason is that when new discounts become available, you don't know about it because, well, you're just floating by enjoying the convenience of the automatic bill pay. Those discounts, even when you qualify, are not automatically added.
- If you have homeowners insurance with another company, look into moving your auto insurance to that company. Many, if not all, of these companies will offer an added discount just for combining insurances with them. When I did this last year, I saved 30% ON MY BILL. THIRTY PERCENT! I was so mad at myself for waiting so long to look into it!!
- Be informed. Know what kind of insurance you need. Know what kind of coverage is essential for you! Don't overpay for services you don't need. You also don't want to underpay for services you DO need. Depending on the type of car you drive, this may vary. You can read more about that here.
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